No Justice for Halle Berry


Halle Berry split from Olivier Martinez conjures up relics from the past.

David Justice, Halle Berry’s starter husband, reportedly tweeted: “Yup . . . Me, Eric (Benet), Gabriel (Aubry) and Olivier (Martinez) were all her ‘Knight in Shining Armor,’ until it ends.  Then we all become the worst guys in history.”

After tweeting about the custody battle between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry and how “Only the guys in the relationship with Halle know the real deal,” Justice pressed delete on some of his tweets but not before Barefoot Father Earth, Eric Benet, kicked some dust Halle’s way.

“My man at @23davidjustice,” Eric Benet tweeted, “is tweeting some truth dis’ mornin’!”



David Justice claims he wants to be a role model. Is mean-tweeting on Twitter a role model move?

The problem with these bitter bitches, uh, exes, tweeting about Halle Berry’s current relationship status is that both Justice and Benet are supposedly in happy marriages to Rebecca Villalobos and Manuela Testolini, respectively.

Not long after Mr. Clean tried mopping the floor with Halle Berry’s name, the old pro-baller, finding home not so clear, backtracking like cowards do, ran back, stole third base and then second, looking for safety.  David Justice’s excuse for mean-tweeting included being upset after all these long, lost years about Halle Berry not coming out immediately waaaay back then and confessing that his was not the fist striking her ear like a Louisville Slugger, causing her hearing loss.

Justice’s excuse is all pretense, of course.

Because it’s much more interesting to be perpetually connected to a famous American actress, David Justice thought he would use Halle Berry’s boy trouble for a little harmless self-promotion.  That is, until he realized that all this trivial tweeting was peanuts, and snuff-spitting about a gorgeous ex might not sit right with the wife.  Any American wife.


Eric Benet, still soft--and yet bitter--after all these long, long years...

And, as for Eric Benet, whose trifling lifestyle caused his record sales to dry up tight as a raisin in the sun, one would think a man without shoes would be a tad bit more cautious about steppin’ in other people’s poo.  One would think a man without shoes would be more grounded in his own life, his own family.  Again, uuugh!  Now, look at him . . . the whole family is shoeless!!


Is it really over between Halle and Olivier or is there a movie on the horizon?

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