Archives for : Barack Obama

An Historic MLK Day

The Second Presidential Inauguration of Barack H. Obama

Celebrating the Second Presidential Inauguration of Barack H. Obama

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STILL President of the United States of America!

President Barack Obama re-elected in the 2012 presidential election.

A decisive victory for Democrats! A decisive victory for the United States of America, the world, AND Big Bird!

After a hard-fought battle, President Barack Obama is still President of the United States!  With the defeat of Mitt Romney, World War III has been averted (for now). Congratulations to the Democratic and Republican winners of this 2012 election season. Now, it is time to get to work!  God bless the President of the United States of America!  And God bless America!  The people of the United States have spoken. Finally!

On Fumes and a Few Ounces of Carrot Juice

Cuyahoga County Board of Elections

Crowds gathering for early voting in Cleveland, Ohio today.

After a night of extended “wine tasting,” groggy and a little hung-over, I decided to take advantage of the extended early voting hours at the Board of Elections in Cleveland, Ohio.  I did not go willingly.

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The Obama Effect

The Obama Effect

Ahh, yes, love is in the air!

During a visit Tuesday at the Daughters of Zion Jr. Academy in Delray Beach, Florida, President Barack Obama gets upstaged by a young Romeo.

No kiss-cam needed for this kiddie coupling.

Whether THEY Say So or Not

President Obama wins third and final presidential debate.The saddest thing to be learned about the 2012 Presidential Debate season is how soon people are willing to dismiss or completely ignore the accomplishments of the president.  

My What Big Teeth You Have!

Joe Biden wins 2012 Vice Presidential Debate with bite!

The Republican Party and their sympathizers are so desperate for their uninspiring candidates to win, they are, time and time again, choosing to completely ignore substance.  If Mitt Romney is rude, overly aggressive, and obnoxious to the host and Big Bird, it is lauded as “being Presidential.”  Now that their candidate has lost the Vice Presidential Debate of 2012, desperation dictates that the Republican focus turn to facial expressions.

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The Droid Still Comes Up Void

If Mitt Romney had a brain or a heart, he would be less dangerous.


Wednesday’s first 2012 Presidential Debate was a head-scratcher to say the least.  The media talked about how lackluster President Barack Obama’s performance was in stark contrast to Mitt Romney’s performance.  I believe that I can offer an interpretation.

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Dang, Football Has Lost Its Twang

Hank Williams, Jr.A little less blacktalk goes a long way Hank Williams, Jr.  Country music star, did you really think it wise, comparing President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner’s recent golf outing to a meeting betwixt a murderous, demonic fiend like Hitler and Prime Minister Netanyahu?  Of course you did.  The truly “ridiculous pairing” occurred when you showed up on Fox News believing you were communing with friends.  For this reason solely, the American public should show empathy for you—as you were no more than the latest of their numerous victims to be thrown under the H8 is Gr8 tour bus.  Those dressed-up hillbillies left you swinging in the wind on the fifty-yard line like Janet Jackson’s right breast at the Super Bowl.

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