With the founding of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, finally a museum, and long overdue, will speak to one of the most important, but often neglected, chapters of the American story—the African American experience. The museum promises to celebrate the African American experience in all its richness and complexity in a place of honor on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

"This museum will tell the African American story through the lens of African American history and culture. This is America's Story and this museum is for all Americans." --Lonnie G. Bunch, III, Director
A beautiful, innovative and environmentally-friendly design embodies traditional African art and architecture, and features a stunning multi-tiered bronze-colored corona expressing the faith, hope and resiliency of the African American spirit. A total of $500 million is needed to build the museum. Congress has committed to provide half that amount, but that means no less than $250 million needs to be raised through charitable contributions before the museum can be built. Groundbreaking is scheduled for 2012. With the support of private sources and individuals like you, the museum will be completed and open to the public in 2015.
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National Museum of African American History and Culture
Lonnie Bunch, Director
PO Box 96832
Washington, DC 20090-6832