Does Jeremy Kyle have something against white folks? Say what? When I heard this question, immediately I knew that there was a segment of society that still does not get it. Someone is actually upset that only the black people in the US are being exploited by Jeremy Kyle. Can you believe it? Someone is upset that more white people are not being exploited by the Jeremy Kyle Show?! I have a question. Will America ever unwrap itself from the white sheets of stupidity?
This “white folks” question is no different than “Why do black people need their own magazines?” “Why did black people get so cranky over the Rodney King spanking?” “Why do black people need affirmative action?”
People who ask these sorts of questions vary, but are usually suffering from a racially motivated defect. Some of them are those who hate the boxed-in feel of the black suit. Usually they feel that they have accomplished every success on their own without a leg up from anyone—slave, free man, white man, or movement. For example, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, now securely grafted into a uniquely white life with his equally white wife, must feel he has finally escaped the confines of a common black suit. Each day he runs his ashy black fingers down the front of his starchy black robe, he must say to himself, “Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty (from these Negroes), I’m free at last.”

Mark 12:30-31, "Love thy God with all thy heart . . . Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. No other commandments are greater than these."
Alternatively, people who ask these sorts of questions are sometimes naive pink babies. Preoccupied with their own fingers and toes, they are totally oblivious to the reinforced shine of a stiff white suit as well as the wrinkles—the enduring wear and tear—on a black suit.
Older, but just as aloof, are those who enjoy the institutional power of the white suit while feigning ignorance of the institutional power of the white suit.
But a timeless favorite is the white suit who—with fear, loathing, and ignorance—suspiciously spies on and pinpoints the number of stripes making up the black suits. How many went into the store? How many came out? For example, white suits like these believe that even one gray stripe in the White House is a whole black suit too many. In their insecure imaginings and nightmares, they fearfully await the day the black suits will finally take over the entire store and devalue it. Shot guns à la main (at the ready). Furthermore and returning to the smoking gun of insanity in hand, that the black suits are objects of exploitation is immaterial. Even so, these hard-pressed white suits can’t stand the idea of hanging around while those filthy old black suits get a more thorough straightening out—a more thorough wringing out—by the dry cleaner, Jeremy Kyle. Shoot, these kooks want some, too!
But wait, it gets better! Earlier this year, people of the UK were asking a question of equal stupidity: Is the Jeremy Kyle Show anti-white? What in the name of white pride worldwide is this, you ask? Isn’t this the same ridiculous question posed by the Americans, you ask? Why, yes. Indeed, it is. But the white suits over yonder were not complaining that there were too many blacks on the show to the exclusion of whites. They were complaining that Jeremy Kyle only booked “stupid” white people on the show to the exclusion of the other, more preferable, kind of whites! Confusing (and yet hilarious), isn’t it?
To the drips wearing the black suits, the white suits, the red or yellow suits, stop straining your brain and realize that, for any amount of money, it is no great honor whatsoever to show up in any sort of suit on the Jeremy Kyle Show. Simply put, sorting through your dirty laundry at home would be wiser than showing up at all.
Now lean in, eavesdrop on members of the UK Klan, and feel the (unnecessary) frustration. Even my (sexually-confused) boyfriend Andy Cohen would have trouble sorting through these whites and coloreds:
Concerned Englander:
The difference between those shows in America and the Jeremy Kyle show [in the UK] is that this is so obviously set up to portray the White race as stupid, unintelligent morons [redundant, redundant, and redundant]. Unless you actually believe that they just happen to only get White contestants, despite the fact subjects such as ‘Who’s the father’ or ‘Am I your dad’ are topics that would target many more Negroes than Whites.
Canning Town Boy:
NO NO NO and NO, this is england not america, america has a 15-20 per cent black population and we have 2-5 per cent so what do you expect, do you really think jeremy kyle turns down black contestants who want to come on his show? do you really think he goes round forcing whites to go on his show? you make no sense whatsoever, your the type of white that reminds me of those negroes, you do nothing but blame blame blame and never take responsible for things [Clarence Thomas would love this guy!], there are many problems withing the white race and they should be addresssed thats the very reason i joined this site [a US-based white power site] 4 years ago, i cant stand most of my fellow whte british youths my age group because they are either some kind of chav or wigger and im only speaking for working class young whites of course as thats the community i come from. I dont care what happens in the black community whether they kill themselves or end up in jail al i know is white people need to improve on many things. go to any working class Essex or London and you see many whites like this. jeremy kyle is from england not nigeria so of course most guests will be white either way, if the black population was alot higher i would understand your point a bit more but thats not the case so myou dont make sense.
Editor’s note: The stuff in the brackets is the editor’s stuff.
@Canning Town Boy:
But if you look through the shows, it’s not even 2% black! The show is clearly Anti white. Why is there no normal level headed people except extreme chavs and low IQ morons. You cannot honestly say that no black, Asian people don’t want to be on his show! The whole media, Canning Town Boy, is anti white and that’s the honest truth.
Look at the Steven Lawrence case. It costs £50,000000 pounds and now the judge is bullying the cops to find more evidence even though the cops have said “there is none.” By the way, the cops even bought, yes bought a house right next to one of the defendants! Now I’m not saying that they don’t deserve to be punished but honestly this was a total witch hunt. I’ve never heard such stuff from a judge bullying the police. It must be totally unlawful. God forbid you were attacked in a racist attack,I bet my savings that they would not spend that money on you. I don’t have the answers about white society but there is something wrong with us and our society, something deep and so twisted that we bitch at our own wounds like a rabid dog.
Hey, John. I don’t agree with you that all media (US) and Jeremy Kyle (US or UK) are anti-white. I feel this way because Jeremy, himself, is a white man. And as a white man, he has no incentive to present white people as stupid or ignorant. What fuels a man like Jeremy Kyle is simply greed. He’d probably make his own mother look stupid or ignorant for a buck.
Thanks and keep commenting!
For those of you in the States who are unaware of the Stephen Lawrence case, here’s a blurb from The Christian Science Monitor, 1/5/2012, London:
In the UK, indigenous people are 40 times more likely to be killed in a racist attack than ethnic minorities are to be killed by whites.
The one “evil white nazi vs innocent foreigner” case they did manage to find – the Stephen Lawrence case – is still being played out in the media 2 decades later, while completely ignoring genuine hate murders against natives, which happen on a monthly basis (let alone the rape genocide committed by Muslims). The only evidence that it was even racially motivated at all came from the word of the black friend who happened to witness the attack (who some believe is the real killer).
Stephen Lawrence has long been depicted as totally innocent, when in reality he was a thug who would habitually steal children’s lunch money. His family and the “witness” friends have been promoted practically to sainthood, and the “friend” is now a politician.
It was admitted that all the evidences was contaminated, such as by storing clothing from the suspects in the same bags as the knife found near the scene, and the victim’s clothing. Yet the evidence on their conviction came from traces of blood, fibres and hairs found on clothing taken from the suspects’s homes (later stored with the murder weapon and the victims clothes).
I feel so sorry for the men convicted, this case is as much a sham as the impending George Zimmerman show trial.
“There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.” James 2:13. I suggest you read all of James Chapter 2; it’s a great character builder. King David conspired to murder, but he was blessed. Rahab was a whore, but she was blessed. Solomon was a whoring idolator, but blessed. People you see as “thugs,” God may see as blessed and have a greater purpose for their life. A purpose that has nothing to do with you or your sorry opinions. So I would be careful about being a protector of or merciful to ONLY those who look like you. God loves ALL people. If George Zimmerman had obeyed the rules of his own Neighborhood Watch, Trayvon Martin would still be alive. No one has the right to hunt you down, take your life because they see you as a “thug,” and then cry, ‘self-defense.’ That’s a coward’s move. Most racists ARE weak and cowardly. George Zimmerman is a wanna-be cop who couldn’t cut it in public safety because the man, simply put, is mentally ill. Your racism is blinding you. God bless you. May he heal your shortsightedness/blindness and change the ugly color of your heart.
I know Jeremy Kyle personally and he is the biggest racist you could imagine. How he has the bare faced cheek to go on TV and run down racists is disgusting.
Does not matter if it is the Jeremy Kyle Show, whatever, everything is about Racism as far as i have heard on here. “People will never do right for doing wrong”.
My opinion is just because he has more black on the show than white does not constitute him as being a racist.
If people feel that strongly about it then don’t watch the show, nobody has a gun to your head.
Thanks for commenting, Nathan. Racism is often my focus but, truthfully, all forms of injustice make me grind my teeth. By the way, I agree that Kyle is not racist. Mostly, he’s just annoying and we Americans, as you can imagine, would love it if our British sisters and brothers wouldn’t mind taking him AND Piers Morgan off OUR hands. (LOL). (When you get a moment, go to and get a FREE gravatar. They upload globally. And you get to be a flower, a star, a football, or plain old wonderful you!) Kiss the Queen for me and come back soon!
BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk shows are one of the main ways they use to divide us publicly.
The 90s were full of talk shows aimed at us sitting down & bashing each-other for the whole world to see…a decade on & they are pulling us back into the same trap.
Furthermore…all of these articles coming out about the show being “anti-white” are just to throw us off!
Personally, I chose the title “What Does JK Have Against White Folks?” to be provocative and to “hint” at the fact that I, too, believe that blacks are allowing themselves to be exploited by this rude and boring little elf. How much does it cost to sell your soul these days? My guess is that the amount the show pays them to shamefully air out their dirty laundry publicly is probably laughable.
US version I would say is 5/5 white/black.
UK version is 10/0 white/black.
asian “0” and again “0”
how about other UK program “Come Dine with Me”?
always at least one person in program appears to be:
one black/asian
one young
one old
one man
one woman
one gay
Hi, Mass… Curiosity got the better of me and I took a peek at “Come Dine w/Me.” Nigel, Val, Dawn, and Bernard aka ‘They’re all afraid of my Caribbean hotness.’ Funny show. Check out an episode of Rocco DiSpirito’s “Rocco’s Dinner Party” on YouTube. Gorgeous Chef Rocco gives three highly skilled chefs a shot at creating the perfect meal and most memorable evening for him and his handpicked celebrity guests. Lots of glamour, but not as much character as “Come Dine w/Me.” The chefs don’t actually get to sit and eat with Rocco and his guests. The upside is that when a dish is nasty, the chefs don’t get to see it on the guest’s face. LOL!