The White House turkey was not the only turkey needing pardoning this weekend. Elizabeth Lauten, the communications director for U.S. Rep. Stephen Fincher, found her neck on the chopping block for cyber bullying President Barack Obama’s daughters after the turkey pardoning ceremony at the White House on November 26, 2014.
The respect Elizabeth Lauten wishes Sasha and Malia, the president’s daughters, had shown for the sanctity of the White House is the same ordinary respect she should have shown for Sasha and Malia and their parents as living, breathing, feeling, ordinary human beings.
Because of racial inequality in this country, Elizabeth Lauten, a communications director (and many others like her who are less than communications directors), take regular, persistent, and unwarranted liberties with every aspect of Black Life.
The overwhelming disrespect President Barack Obama, this president in particular, has suffered is a direct result of this country having little or no respect for Black Life and is evidenced when the Elizabeth Lautens, whether she has three teeth in her head or a full set, open their mouths and show how black and foul their hearts are.

President Barack Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia, with National Turkey Federation Chairman Gary Cooper and son Cole Cooper, participate in the annual National Thanksgiving Turkey pardon ceremony in the Grand Foyer of the White House, Nov. 26, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy/Pete Souza)
The definition of liberty is “the ability or opportunity to act in accordance with one’s own wishes or without repression or restraint by authority.” To take liberties then is when someone like Elizabeth Lauten exercises her right to act as she wishes but does so in an overly free and too familiar manner with the intent to show disdain. To show disrespect. And in doing so, the hypocrite treads on another’s right to live as they wish without repression.
This disrespect is the reason why the Elizabeth Lautens of the world have no fear of retribution or loss when they take aim at Black Life. Since this particular president has been in office, he has been forced to stand before a firing squad of disrespect. Look at just a few of the shots fired:
- Implying that the Obama girls looked like sluts and have no role models despite their parents being lawyers graduating from Ivy League schools, despite their parents being the President and First Lady, despite them never ever having entered a bar in life. Thanks, Elizabeth Lauten, Communications Director for U.S. Rep. Stephen Fincher! Keep your job, but please sit down and shut the cluck up!

Elizabeth Lauten is on Fakebook.
Blaming the First Lady for “ruining” school lunches, when she only wants the best for your fat ass kids. Then, making crude comments at a CHURCH function on the size of the First Lady’s rump. Thanks, Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, because you obviously have nothing better to do as a Congressman!
- Asking the President for rides on Air Force One, like he’s a common taxi driver or Air Force One is a ride at the got-damn fair. Did anyone ask Bush for a ride on Air Force One?! And expect to get it?!! Thanks, Mr. Selfish-Nobody-But-Lookin-For-A-Come-Up at a town hall rally!
- Frowning on the expense of vacations, vacations every president and his family take each year. Thanks, America, your “green eyes” are lovely!
- Intentionally sidetracking, impeding, corrupting, and disrupting the progress of the economy and the country by stalling, suing, and attempting to impeach the president, then calling him a dictator when he is forced to lead on his own. Thanks, KKKongress!
- Asking the President’s wife if she would make a better president, as if she would entertain such a loaded, stupid, and matrimonially divisive question. Thanks, Emmy-awarding reporter Barbara Walters! No wonder you’re not married!
- Insinuating that the president is weak and then refusing to acknowledge his leadership when Osama Bin Laden was captured. Hav U No Shame!
- Pretending the economy is not improving when the Reflublicans phucked it up. Thanks, Tee Party! May your golf balls turn blue! Really blue! Bleu!
- Blowing Vladimir Pootin’s head up by calling this turkey-skinned fart the most powerful man in the world. Thanks for the loyalty to country, Forbes Magazine!
So pardon us Black folks (and our sympathizers) if we are pissed and don’t feel like being peaceful or “playing nice” when, with the approval of your authority figures, we are met with the violence of being maligned, maimed, hung, burned at the stake, trampled, spit upon, beat, kicked, sprayed with hoses and tear gas, dragged in the streets, sodomized, and shot and killed. And for what? For hypocrites who want the world to believe they have everything except genuine self-esteem or a sense of shame? For folks who don’t feel good about themselves unless they are putting other folks down, whether in their spirit or grave?
Why should anyone obey the unrighteous of any hue? Of any clique or uniform or school of hypocrisy?
Taking liberties with Black Life is far more harmful when persons of power wield the axe. Judges taking liberties, a.k.a. “judicial discretion,” is the reason why black men go to jail far more often than white men for similar offenses. Goons taking liberties is the reason why you can sell alcohol anywhere you want in a black neighborhood but not in others. It’s the reason why a resume with a black-sounding name may get tossed to the trash far quicker than an Irish-sounding name. It’s the reason why police officers have been trained, a.k.a. brainwashed, to shoot to kill in all “threatening” situations instead of shooting to disarm or maim.

After hours of prayer, Communications Director sees the light and wants a rewrite!
These same bad habits that penetrate and permeate Black Life are the reason why Black Life has learned to have no respect for Black Life or the women who give it.
Racism, in other words, which affords the passing down of the heirloom of disrespect to both whites and Blacks in this country, has set Black Life up to fail—even when failure is not likely, evident, or imminent. Racism, like cancer or Satan’s minions, means to destroy Black Life even in the midst of succeeding.
Now, after receiving the hot and bitter lash of blacklash from social media, suddenly Elizabeth Lauten, a communications director, who knows the power of words and the sting they carry when misfired, has realized the error of her miscommunication? Suddenly, after PRAYER?!!, Elizabeth Lauten has realized the error of her racist, self-righteous ways?! Why didn’t she pray FIRST—BEFORE she posted her hateful rant to Fakebook?
You know why. She opted to take the liberty of choosing to malign Black Life—which is as much of a tradition in American society as pardoning a turkey at the White House.
While I’m all for forgiveness, I don’t buy the sincerity of her whack apology. Off with her head! Or, at the very least, she can take her head and her hot-buttered apology and slide them both back up her turkey ass.
Hmmm, Which Turkey Do We Pardon?
Category: Newsy Bites
Tags:cultural commentary, Elizabeth Lauten hypocrite, hypocrisy, President Barack Obama, President's daughters, Sasha and Malia, turkey pardoning ceremony
The respect Elizabeth Lauten wishes Sasha and Malia, the president’s daughters, had shown for the sanctity of the White House is the same ordinary respect she should have shown for Sasha and Malia and their parents as living, breathing, feeling, ordinary human beings.
Because of racial inequality in this country, Elizabeth Lauten, a communications director (and many others like her who are less than communications directors), take regular, persistent, and unwarranted liberties with every aspect of Black Life.
The overwhelming disrespect President Barack Obama, this president in particular, has suffered is a direct result of this country having little or no respect for Black Life and is evidenced when the Elizabeth Lautens, whether she has three teeth in her head or a full set, open their mouths and show how black and foul their hearts are.
President Barack Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia, with National Turkey Federation Chairman Gary Cooper and son Cole Cooper, participate in the annual National Thanksgiving Turkey pardon ceremony in the Grand Foyer of the White House, Nov. 26, 2014. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy/Pete Souza)
The definition of liberty is “the ability or opportunity to act in accordance with one’s own wishes or without repression or restraint by authority.” To take liberties then is when someone like Elizabeth Lauten exercises her right to act as she wishes but does so in an overly free and too familiar manner with the intent to show disdain. To show disrespect. And in doing so, the hypocrite treads on another’s right to live as they wish without repression.
This disrespect is the reason why the Elizabeth Lautens of the world have no fear of retribution or loss when they take aim at Black Life. Since this particular president has been in office, he has been forced to stand before a firing squad of disrespect. Look at just a few of the shots fired:
Elizabeth Lauten is on Fakebook.
Blaming the First Lady for “ruining” school lunches, when she only wants the best for your fat ass kids. Then, making crude comments at a CHURCH function on the size of the First Lady’s rump. Thanks, Wisconsin U.S. Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, because you obviously have nothing better to do as a Congressman!
So pardon us Black folks (and our sympathizers) if we are pissed and don’t feel like being peaceful or “playing nice” when, with the approval of your authority figures, we are met with the violence of being maligned, maimed, hung, burned at the stake, trampled, spit upon, beat, kicked, sprayed with hoses and tear gas, dragged in the streets, sodomized, and shot and killed. And for what? For hypocrites who want the world to believe they have everything except genuine self-esteem or a sense of shame? For folks who don’t feel good about themselves unless they are putting other folks down, whether in their spirit or grave?
Taking liberties with Black Life is far more harmful when persons of power wield the axe. Judges taking liberties, a.k.a. “judicial discretion,” is the reason why black men go to jail far more often than white men for similar offenses. Goons taking liberties is the reason why you can sell alcohol anywhere you want in a black neighborhood but not in others. It’s the reason why a resume with a black-sounding name may get tossed to the trash far quicker than an Irish-sounding name. It’s the reason why police officers have been trained, a.k.a. brainwashed, to shoot to kill in all “threatening” situations instead of shooting to disarm or maim.
After hours of prayer, Communications Director sees the light and wants a rewrite!
These same bad habits that penetrate and permeate Black Life are the reason why Black Life has learned to have no respect for Black Life or the women who give it.
Racism, in other words, which affords the passing down of the heirloom of disrespect to both whites and Blacks in this country, has set Black Life up to fail—even when failure is not likely, evident, or imminent. Racism, like cancer or Satan’s minions, means to destroy Black Life even in the midst of succeeding.
Now, after receiving the hot and bitter lash of blacklash from social media, suddenly Elizabeth Lauten, a communications director, who knows the power of words and the sting they carry when misfired, has realized the error of her miscommunication? Suddenly, after PRAYER?!!, Elizabeth Lauten has realized the error of her racist, self-righteous ways?! Why didn’t she pray FIRST—BEFORE she posted her hateful rant to Fakebook?
You know why. She opted to take the liberty of choosing to malign Black Life—which is as much of a tradition in American society as pardoning a turkey at the White House.
While I’m all for forgiveness, I don’t buy the sincerity of her whack apology. Off with her head! Or, at the very least, she can take her head and her hot-buttered apology and slide them both back up her turkey ass.
Holliday Vann a Master Writer who is crawling, reaching with French-manicured fingertips to touch the lowest hem of Toni Morrison's garments in hopes of her name one day being whispered glowingly in the same sentence as Her name.
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