Now that Future’s in the past, the rapper wants to start reflecting on the sanctity of fatherhood. Oh, brotha! Leave it to a flimsy rapper, known to spill seed with multiple baby mamas, to screw over a singer with movie star looks and then, all of a sudden, look back over his shoulder at what she’s doing when she has a new and better Boo.
Just when one of his four kids has a possibility of having a full-time father in his life, Rapper Future wants to start whining about Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson pushing his one-year-old, Future Jr., in a stroller.
On a radio show was when the 31-year-old sire of four first opened his bedazzled mouth about the stroller push that pushed him over the edge. During the interview, it sure would have been nice if one person had had the footballs to point Future to the nearest receptacle with that crap. If this dude didn’t want future dudes in the presence of his son, whether Ciara and Russell Wilson have been dating 3 months or 3 years, what the sorry bastard could have done was marry his mother.
Or the other mother. Or the other mother.
“Of course I wouldn’t want anyone to push my son,” Future said point blank. “That’s like the number one rule. If I was a kid, and my mom had a dude pushing me, I would’ve jumped out the stroller and slapped the sh*t out of him.”
Wow, what a snapshot that would have made! With rappers, violence is the only answer.
“You don’t even bring a man around your son. You never do that in our community,” he added.
What community? The community of bastards? Apparently, the Black community DOES bring other men around their kids. Regularly. Consistently. Unceasingly. It happens all the time. It’s unavoidable and will remain unavoidable as long as immature “men” and “women” repeatedly practice unprotected/unsafe pushing. This is what happens when couples refuse to grow in relationships. This is what happens when boys run with sagging pants hard and fast away from marriage and ’sponsibility.

Look who’s mad–when his son just escaped the dungeon family?!! One good publicity stunt deserves another. Why not speak to Ciara directly…IN PRIVATE?!! Sorry hypocrite.
Future said, “You only know this dude for a few months and you’re bringing him around your kid? Who does that? Nobody does that.”
That was the hypocrisy. Now, for the irony.
Since Ciara, 29, is getting mainstream publicity with a wholesome NFL star, Rapper Future is accusing his ex of manufacturing the stroller push for the cameras.
“At the end of the day, I’m not for the publicity stunt,” Future said. “Leave my son out of all the publicity sh*t. Just leave him out of your relationship, because we don’t need your relationship for anything.”
You mean how he left them hoes out of his relationship with Ciara when they were engaged?
Russell Wilson, who says Ciara is a 15 out of 10 in every way, has been dating the singer/model since April of this year. And while they often show their affection for one another, just this month, the 26-year-old athlete divulged that they were practicing abstinence. Far, far, and away from the past.
This time Future fumbled the ball and it was intercepted. Future needs to get over himself. Stop trying to draw Ciara back to the past by pressing rewind. Ciara could have chosen a worse baby daddy. Remember waaay back when, when she did–and it was him?
“If all Future wants is for the world to know that he was first to abstain from having sex with Ciara only to abandon yet another child, mission accomplished. Typical rapper, running his mouth much faster than he can think.” –
Meanwhile, while the parents pull on the tot’s arms like a Stretch Armstrong, we just hope Ciara’s not using Russell Wilson to give the not-so-bright Future the slim and elegant finger she should have given him before Junior was ever spilled in the womb.
Perhaps, Ciara has finally learned that every couple cannot be Beyonce and Jay-Z. Neither should they try to be.