grown-ish ish: Season 2 Premiere

Image result for grown ish season premiere 2019

Turns out Luca spent the summer abroad and he and Zoey, to stay close, Snapchatted and Instagrammed each other for 3 months.  Over that time, the excitement to see her new boo grew, and Zoey was anxious for the start of school (or maybe something freaky).  Having arrived before Luca, Zoey was waiting in her dorm room (wine, brie cheese, and candles a-flicker) when there was knock on the door.  Luca!  It has to be Luca!


It’s the other one–what’s his name, Aaron, the runner-up with the smoove-ass voice.  So Smoove says, “I saw your boy outside smoking a cigarette.”  Luca had arrived without so much as  call or text?  Oh, no, he didn’t!  Zoey marched down the hallway and knocked on the door only to find Old Smoove was right and Luca, who is always so chill, is still too damn chill.  Lackadaisical and apparently hella tired from his exploits in France where, who knew, the weed was weak and thus whack.  U.S. weed smoked, to Zoey’s disgust, Luca falls asleep.

Nomi and Ana have a new apartment off campus that Zoey has to arrange to beautify or “bombify.”  Vivek is still slinging for his designer threads.  (Nomi will likely O.D. this season.  Just sayin’.  The writing is on the wall, people.)

The big twin Jazz and Russell Simmons’s son Diggy/Doug are officially an item and have risen to “relationship goals” in the eyes of social media.  Zoey, of course, is jealous.

Zoey, knowing that she and Luca are the beautiful ones, is distressed that their individual vibes are not vibing together, and worst of all, their being together seems far from #relationshipgoals.  And worst than that, Luca, Mr. Zen, doesn’t even care.

By show’s end, Zoey figures out why they’re not in sync.  Trying too hard, she pulls back a bit and texts Luca about being afraid about their relationship.  He responds likewise like old summer times.  They wind up in the same spot after an evening walk.  He drops the “L” word.  She reciprocates.  Sparks fly…finally.


What was the funniest line from the season 2 premiere for you?

Did I miss something?

Zoey and Luca’s wig conversation was hilarious.

What else?

Did being associated with old-ass Kourtney Kardashian taint “Luca”–a little bit?

Rat tail aside, the cleaner cut Aaron?  Me no likey so much.  You?

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