little blue pills, curdled milk, and cottage...

little blue pills, curdled milk, and cottage cheese

His take: That devil in a blue dress is pissing me off. She’s taking men down the wrong road, down a yellow brick road. She shows up at the perfect time,...

The Luis Scola: A Girl’s Dream

The Luis Scola: A Girl’s Dream

Human hair with Swiss lace? Women would kill for a lace front wig like The Luis Scola.

Withers in the Cool

Withers in the Cool

Watching at midnight won’t make Wuthering High School, the latest adaptation of Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights, as dark as desired.  Crashing waves...

Hear No Evil

Hear No Evil

If you’re a Christian, you’re pretty much happy when any one is courageous enough to mention Jesus’s name anywhere these days, but especially in...

50 Years Later: Impressions of Selma

50 Years Later: Impressions of Selma

When President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama stepped down from Air Force One in Selma, Alabama this weekend, it represented a full circle...

That Michelle Pfeiffer White Gold

That Michelle Pfeiffer White Gold

Is it white and gold?  Or is it black and blue?  Not since Jessica Simpson’s “Well is it chicken or is it tuna?” question has any question stunned...

Status Symbol

Status Symbol

Go on . . . hurry . . . turn the handle . . .

No Better Valentine Under the Sun

No Better Valentine Under the Sun

Who’s afraid of the dark?

Black History Month Just Got Blacker

Black History Month Just Got Blacker



“Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world…” The slave sang songs like these all the time, long before Queen of Gospel Mahalia Jackson...