Archives for : Halle Berry

No Justice for Halle Berry


Halle Berry split from Olivier Martinez conjures up relics from the past.

David Justice, Halle Berry’s starter husband, reportedly tweeted: “Yup . . . Me, Eric (Benet), Gabriel (Aubry) and Olivier (Martinez) were all her ‘Knight in Shining Armor,’ until it ends.  Then we all become the worst guys in history.”

After tweeting about the custody battle between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry and how “Only the guys in the relationship with Halle know the real deal,” Justice pressed delete on some of his tweets but not before Barefoot Father Earth, Eric Benet, kicked some dust Halle’s way.

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Ah, Non, Émasculé!


With-zout ze common enemy, Eugène, what fun was zair in ze marry-ah-jer?

Emasculated?  Is zat all?  Haha Haha, oh my, ha, ha…

Après ze shoque initiale of news of ze Halle Berry and Olivier Martinez split subsided, in hindsight, perhaps ze writing was already on ze divorce papiers.

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